This is your moment, your team’s moment, to join America’s heroes in one exciting community event designed to raise funds for your favorite charity and celebrate the work of your community responders.
It’s easy to participate! Just recruit four (4) of your friends, family, or coworkers to join you for a fun, friendly relay competition going head-to-head with other local teams on the most recognized firefighter training course in the world. The Charity Relay Challenge is more than just a competition and fundraiser, it brings together the community to celebrate the work of local First Responders and to honor the many nonprofits, volunteers, frontline workers, emergency personnel, and other professions and organizations that work tirelessly to strengthen the fabric of their community. We call them change agents as they too are a vital part of our extended responder community.
Come on, take the Challenge, and be amazed at what you can do!
Total Number of Events Held
Total Teams Participated
Total Charities Benefited
Total Dollars Raised To Date
Total Number of Events Held
Total Number of Events Held
Total Teams Participated
Total Teams Participated
Total Charities Benefited
Total Charities Benefited
Total Dollars Raised To Date
Total Dollars Raised To Date
Our Challenge Divisions
Teams can enter in one of the following divisions:
All Male (ages 19+)
All Female (ages 19+)
Coed (ages 19+)
All Seniors (ages 62+) – all male, all female, coed
Youth: (ages 15 -18) – all male, all female, coed
How it Works
Step 1:
Pick Your Charity
You tell us which charity will benefit!
Step 2:
Register Your Team
Just $25 per person. Packet includes tee shirt, medal, and refreshments.
Step 3:
Start Fundraising
We provide your team with a custom fundraising page for raising money for your charity! Your team sets the financial goal!
Step 4:
Time For Fun
No training required! Our Firefighters will be your coach at the Event.
The Challenge is open to anyone, ages 15 and above, in communities where the Firefighter Challenge is being hosted. To enter we require a donation of $25.00 per person during the registration process to help recover the cost of the t-shirt and medal that each participant receives.
There is no limit on the number of teams that a company, civic group, nonprofit, school, church, department, or individual can enter. It’s all about charity, so the more the merrier!
Don’t worry, with our event there is no training or preparation needed! Firefighters will be stationed at each evolution to guide you on what to do prior to the starting siren sounding. How easy is that! Teams will compete for the fastest time in their division. Each team member will complete only one evolution on the course. Are you getting excited yet?
Important note: you don’t have to be an athlete to compete in this event however the activities on the course do require upper body, arm, and lower back strength and is not recommended for those who are pregnant, with heart conditions, with serious back problems, with fear of heights, or have other health problems that may make them more vulnerable to injury.
We’ve modified the Firefighter Challenge course so almost anyone can participate. Remember, this is about fun, teamwork and giving back. Now go recruit your team members and let’s have some fun!
The Challenge is open to anyone, ages 15 and above, in communities where the Firefighter Challenge is being hosted. To enter we require a donation of $25.00 per person during the registration process to help recover the cost of the t-shirt and medal that each participant receives.
There is no limit on the number of teams that a company, civic group, nonprofit, school, church, department, or individual can enter. It’s all about charity, so the more the merrier!
With our event there is no training or preparation needed! Firefighters will be stationed at each evolution to guide you on what to do prior to the starting siren sounding. How easy is that! Teams will compete for the fastest time in their division. Each team member will complete only one evolution on the course. Are you getting excited yet?
Important note: you don’t have to be an athlete to compete in this event however the activities on the course do require upper body, arm, and lower back strength and is not recommended for those who are pregnant, with heart conditions, with serious back problems, with fear of heights, or have other health problems that may make them more vulnerable to injury.
We’ve modified the Firefighter Challenge course so almost anyone can participate. Remember, this is about fun, teamwork and giving back. Now go recruit your team members and let’s have some fun!
The work of nonprofits in every community is immeasurable, and is because of passionate believers who give of their time and resources. The Charity Relay Challenge was designed with this in mind and allows each team to designate their favorite cause!
After your team has registered you will receive a special link to your own crowdfunding page that you can customize, add images, set your financial goal, and add a message that lets your friends, family and coworkers know why you need their help. No gift will be too small or too large!
The work of nonprofits in every community is immeasurable, and is because of passionate believers who give of their time and resources. The Charity Relay Challenge was designed with this in mind and allows each team to designate their favorite cause!
After your team has registered you will receive a special link to your own crowdfunding page that you can customize, add images, set your financial goal, and add a message that lets your friends, family and coworkers know why you need their help. No gift will be too small or too large!
The work of nonprofits in every community is immeasurable, and is because of passionate believers who give of their time and resources. The Charity Relay Challenge was designed with this in mind and allows each team to designate their favorite cause!
After your team has registered you will receive a special link to your own crowdfunding page that you can customize, add images, set your financial goal, and add a message that lets your friends, family and coworkers know why you need their help. No gift will be too small or too large!
Imagine walking into the arena and seeing the stands filled with family, friends, coworkers, and a community cheering you and your team on. The adrenalin begins to flow through your body as you await the starting siren. Firefighters standing by your side telling you, “You got this!” In this arena you truly have nothing to lose or prove. Just being here is proof enough of your love for community, charity and local first responders. Today, you are the local hero performing in the Arena of the Brave!
Imagine walking into the arena and seeing the stands filled with family, friends, coworkers, and a community cheering you and your team on. The adrenalin begins to flow through your body as you await the starting siren. Firefighters standing by your side telling you, “You got this!” In this arena you truly have nothing to lose or prove. Just being here is proof enough of your love for community, charity and local first responders. Today, you are the local hero performing in the Arena of the Brave!
Imagine walking into the arena and seeing the stands filled with family, friends, coworkers, and a community cheering you and your team on. The adrenalin begins to flow through your body as you await the starting siren. Firefighters standing by your side telling you, “You got this!” In this arena you truly have nothing to lose or prove. Just being here is proof enough of your love for community, charity and local first responders. Today, you are the local hero performing in the Arena of the Brave!
Welcome to the Arena of the Brave
Your team will be competing on the course where champions are born, where world records are made, and where America’s heroes train to be at their very best. For the next five minutes you’ll be firefighters in training on a modified version of the globally recognized Firefighter Challenge course. It’s time to just let loose and have the time of your life as each member of your team completes just one of five (5) of the evolutions. Deep breath, you got this!

Evolution 1: High-Rise Pack Carry
Let the Challenge begin. The siren sounds and the first member of the team begins their climb up our 41 feet high, five (5) story tower of stairs (63 steps) carrying a 25lb hose pack.
Evolution 2: The Hose Hoist
Evolution 3: The Force Machine
Evolution 4: The Hose Advance
The 4th team member will negotiate the 140-foot (42.6m) slalom course by rolling a section of hose in and out of the delineators without missing or knocking any over. They will then pick up the nozzle end of the 1 inch (4.45cm) charged hose line and drag it 75 feet. Once the nozzle penetrates the swinging doors, they will open the nozzle aiming the stream to hit the target. Now drop that nozzle and go tag the next team member!
Evolution 5: Victim Rescue
Presented by LION, the 5th team member will drag the 110Ib SMARTDUMMY™ RESCUE MANIKIN backwards a distance of 106 feet. The cheering crowd is rooting you on, and the time officially stops when you and the Rescue Manikin completely cross the finish line. Celebration time! There are no losers here. You’re a winner because you pushed yourself and finished strong! Congratulations to your team!
Welcome to the Arena of the Brave!
Your team will be competing on the course where champions are born, where world records are made, and where America’s heroes train to be at their very best. For the next five minutes you’ll be firefighters in training on a modified version of the globally recognized Firefighter Challenge course. It’s time to just let loose and have the time of your life as each member of your team completes just one of five (5) of the evolutions. Deep breath, you got this!

Evolution 1: High-Rise Pack Carry
Let the Challenge begin. The siren sounds and the first member of the team begins their climb up our 41 feet high, five (5) story tower of stairs (63 steps) carrying a 25lb hose pack.
Evolution 2: The Hose Hoist
Evolution 3: The Force Machine
Evolution 4: The Hose Advance
The 4th team member will negotiate the 140-foot (42.6m) slalom course by rolling a section of hose in and out of the delineators without missing or knocking any over. They will then pick up the nozzle end of the 1 inch (4.45cm) charged hose line and drag it 75 feet. Once the nozzle penetrates the swinging doors, they will open the nozzle aiming the stream to hit the target. Now drop that nozzle and go tag the next team member!
Evolution 5: Victim Rescue
Presented by LION, the 5th team member will drag the 110Ib SMARTDUMMY™ RESCUE MANIKIN backwards a distance of 106 feet. The cheering crowd is rooting you on, and the time officially stops when you and Rescue Manikin completely cross the finish line. Celebration time! There are no losers here. You’re a winner because you pushed yourself and finished strong! Congratulations to your team!
Welcome to the Arena of the Brave!
Your team will be competing on the course where champions are born, where world records are made, and where America’s heroes train to be at their very best. For the next five minutes you’ll be firefighters in training on a modified version of the globally recognized Firefighter Challenge course. It’s time to just let loose and have the time of your life as each member of your team completes just one of five (5) of the evolutions. Deep breath, you got this!

Evolution 1: High-Rise Pack Carry
Let the Challenge begin. The siren sounds and the first member of the team begins their climb up our 41 feet high, five (5) story tower of stairs (63 steps) carrying a 25lb hose pack.
Evolution 2: The Hose Hoist
Evolution 3: The Force Machine
Evolution 4: The Hose Advance
The 4th team member will negotiate the 140-foot (42.6m) slalom course by rolling a section of hose in and out of the delineators without missing or knocking any over. They will then pick up the nozzle end of the 1 inch (4.45cm) charged hose line and drag it 75 feet. Once the nozzle penetrates the swinging doors, they will open the nozzle aiming the stream to hit the target. Now drop that nozzle and go tag the next team member!
Evolution 5: Victim Rescue
Presented by LION, the 5th team member will drag the 110Ib SMARTDUMMY™ RESCUE MANIKIN backwards a distance of 106 feet. The cheering crowd is rooting you on, and the time officially stops when you and Rescue Manikin completely cross the finish line. Celebration time! There are no losers here. You’re a winner because you pushed yourself and finished strong! Congratulations to your team!
Are you ready to take the Challenge?

We Strengthen First Responders
The Charity Relay Challenge and Firefighter Challenge are programs of the First Responder Institute, a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our mission is to inspire First Responders to aim for their highest level of fitness, wellness and safety. Our vision is to eradicate preventable injuries and deaths of First Responders by leveraging the synergy of discovery, knowledge, spirit, and collaboration among the many groups who share our vision.
First Responder Institute
P.O. Box 70127
Oro Valley, AZ 85737